Making Art with EPA SWMM#
After a hard day of H&H modeling, some of us may need to express ourselves with the other side of our brain. Let’s play around with a model and make some useless but interesting visualizations. We’ll need a few hidden features in swmmio: the swmmio.utils.functions.rotate_model()
and swmmio.utils.spatial.centroid_and_bbox_from_coords()
We’ll start with the jersey
example model.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import swmmio
from swmmio.examples import jersey
from swmmio.utils.functions import rotate_model
from swmmio.utils.spatial import centroid_and_bbox_from_coords
ax = jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(linewidth=jersey.links.dataframe['Geom1'], capstyle='round')
jersey.nodes.geodataframe.plot('MaxDepth', ax=ax, markersize='InvertElev', zorder=2)
# hide the axes since we're making art
But what if it was a Spirograph?#
What happens if we spin the model around a bunch and replot it on the same figure? Would it be cool?
# first we'll get the centroid and the bounding box of the model
# this is useful for rotating the model about its centroid
(xc, yc), [x1, y1, x2, y2] = centroid_and_bbox_from_coords(jersey.inp.coordinates)
# start the plot as usual
ax = jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(linewidth=jersey.links.dataframe['Geom1'], capstyle='round')
jersey.nodes.geodataframe.plot('MaxDepth', ax=ax, markersize='InvertElev', zorder=2)
# spin that thing around
for rads in np.arange(0, 3*3.14, 0.1):
jersey = rotate_model(jersey,rads=rads, origin=(xc, yc))
jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(linewidth=1, capstyle='round', ax=ax, alpha=0.5)
jersey.nodes.geodataframe.plot('MaxDepth', ax=ax, markersize='InvertElev', zorder=2, alpha=0.5)
Pretty cool. But what if we wasted more compute by making a 5x more stamps of the model. And what if we shifted the origin about which we rotate the model before each iteration?
# refresh the model
jersey = swmmio.Model(jersey.inp.path)
# start the plot as usual
ax = jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(linewidth=jersey.links.dataframe['Geom1'], capstyle='round')
# jersey.nodes.geodataframe.plot('MaxDepth', ax=ax, markersize='InvertElev', zorder=2)
# spin that thing around
for rads in np.arange(0, 6*3.14, 0.05):
jersey = rotate_model(jersey, rads=rads, origin=(xc+rads*50, yc))
jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(linewidth=jersey.links.dataframe['Geom1'], capstyle='round', ax=ax, alpha=0.1)
Now we are talking.
Let’s see if we can take this a bit further by generating fractals from our SWMM model. We’ll need a couple more functions for shifting and shrinking the model. We’ll also need to determine the top-of-shed nodes - this is where we can repeat the fractal pattern.
Let’s start by defining a function to scale the model coordinates:
def scale_model_coords(model, scale_factor, center_point):
Apply a scaling factor to all coordinates in the model, such that the coordinates
appear to shrink or expand about a given center point.
model : swmmio.Model
The SWMM model whose coordinates are to be scaled.
scale_factor : float
The factor by which to scale the coordinates.
center_point : tuple
The (x, y) point about which to scale the coordinates.
The model with scaled coordinates.
def scale_coordinates(coords, scale_factor, center_point):
coords = np.array(coords)
center_point = np.array(center_point)
scaled_coords = center_point + scale_factor * (coords - center_point)
return scaled_coords.tolist()
model.inp.coordinates = pd.DataFrame(
data=scale_coordinates(model.inp.coordinates.values, scale_factor, center_point),
model.inp.vertices = pd.DataFrame(
data=scale_coordinates(model.inp.vertices.values, scale_factor, center_point),
model.inp.polygons = pd.DataFrame(
data=scale_coordinates(model.inp.polygons.values, scale_factor, center_point),
return model
# let's see if that worked
jersey = swmmio.Model(jersey.inp.path)
(xc, yc), [x1, y1, x2, y2] = centroid_and_bbox_from_coords(jersey.inp.coordinates)
# start the plot as usual
ax = jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(color='green', capstyle='round')
# scale the model a bunch of times and plot it
for scale in np.arange(0.05, 1, 0.1):
jersey = swmmio.Model(jersey.inp.path)
jersey = scale_model_coords(jersey, scale, (xc, yc))
jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.5)
Nice. Now let’s define a function to shift the model
def shift_model_coords(model, new_center_point, anchor_point=None):
Shift all coordinates in the model to a new center point, optionally anchoring
the shift relative to another point.
model : swmmio.Model
The SWMM model whose coordinates are to be shifted.
new_center_point : tuple
The (x, y) point to which the coordinates will be shifted.
anchor_point : tuple, optional
The (x, y) point relative to which the shift will be anchored. If not provided,
the current center point of the model's coordinates will be used.
The model with shifted coordinates.
def shift_coordinates(coords, shift_vector):
coords = np.array(coords)
shifted_coords = coords + shift_vector
return shifted_coords.tolist()
# Calculate the current center point or use the anchor point
if anchor_point is None:
current_center_point = model.inp.coordinates.mean().values
current_center_point = np.array(anchor_point)
# Calculate the shift vector
shift_vector = np.array(new_center_point) - current_center_point
# Apply the shift to all coordinates
model.inp.coordinates = pd.DataFrame(
data=shift_coordinates(model.inp.coordinates.values, shift_vector),
model.inp.vertices = pd.DataFrame(
data=shift_coordinates(model.inp.vertices.values, shift_vector),
model.inp.polygons = pd.DataFrame(
data=shift_coordinates(model.inp.polygons.values, shift_vector),
return model
jersey = swmmio.Model(jersey.inp.path)
(xc, yc), [x1, y1, x2, y2] = centroid_and_bbox_from_coords(jersey.inp.coordinates)
# start the plot as usual
ax = jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(color='green', linewidth=jersey.links.geodataframe['Geom1'], capstyle='round')
for outfall, _ in jersey.inp.outfalls.iterrows():
jersey = shift_model_coords(jersey, (jersey.inp.coordinates.loc[outfall].X, jersey.inp.coordinates.loc[outfall].Y), anchor_point=(x1, y2))
jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.5)
Perfect. Now we can shift, scale, and rotate our model. All we need to do now is recursively iterator over the top-of-shed nodes and perform these actions.
We’ll use the
method to access the model as a graph. Then we’ll locate the top-of-shed nodes according to each node’s in_degree.
import networkx as nx
jersey = swmmio.Model(jersey.inp.path)
G =
# find nodes with zero in-degree
zero_indegree = [n for n in G.nodes() if G.in_degree(n) == 0]
# start the plot as usual
ax = jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(color='green', linewidth=jersey.links.geodataframe['Geom1'], capstyle='round')
for node, row in jersey.inp.coordinates.loc[zero_indegree].iterrows():
jersey = swmmio.Model(jersey.inp.path)
anchor_point = jersey.inp.coordinates.loc[jersey.inp.outfalls.index[0]][['X', 'Y']].values
jersey = scale_model_coords(jersey, 0.3, center_point=anchor_point)
jersey = shift_model_coords(jersey, (row.X, row.Y), anchor_point=anchor_point)
jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.5)
def plot_recursive(jersey, ax, nodes, depth, max_depth, scaler=0.8):
if depth > max_depth:
for node, row in jersey.inp.coordinates.loc[nodes].iterrows():
# Reload the model to avoid modifying the original
model_copy = swmmio.Model(jersey.inp.path)
anchor_point = model_copy.inp.coordinates.loc[model_copy.inp.outfalls.index[0]][['X', 'Y']].values
# Scale and shift the model
model_copy = scale_model_coords(model_copy, 0.3*scaler, center_point=anchor_point)
model_copy = shift_model_coords(model_copy, (row.X, row.Y), anchor_point=anchor_point)
# Plot the model
model_copy.links.geodataframe.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.5)
# Find nodes with zero in-degree in the current model
zero_indegree = [n for n in if == 0]
# Recur with increased depth
plot_recursive(model_copy, ax, zero_indegree, depth + 1, max_depth, scaler=scaler*scaler)
jersey = swmmio.Model(jersey.inp.path)
# Start the plot as usual
ax = jersey.links.geodataframe.plot(color='green', linewidth=jersey.links.geodataframe['Geom1'], capstyle='round', figsize=(10, 10))
# Find nodes with zero in-degree
G =
zero_indegree = [n for n in G.nodes() if G.in_degree(n) == 0]
# Run the recursive plotting function with a maximum depth of 3
plot_recursive(jersey, ax, zero_indegree, depth=1, max_depth=3)
Lovely. Now, to wrap up, let’s run this logic on another SWMM model and see how it looks
from swmmio.examples import walnut
walnut = swmmio.Model(walnut.inp.path)
# Start the plot as usual
ax = walnut.links.geodataframe.plot(color='green', linewidth=walnut.links.geodataframe['Geom1'], capstyle='round', figsize=(20, 10))
# Find nodes with zero in-degree
G =
zero_indegree = [n for n in G.nodes() if G.in_degree(n) == 0]
# Run the recursive plotting function with a maximum depth of 3
plot_recursive(walnut, ax, zero_indegree, depth=1, max_depth=3)