- swmmio.utils.functions.check_if_url_and_download(url)[source]#
Check if a given string is a URL and download the file to a temporary directory if it is.
- Parameters:
- urlstr
string that may be a URL
- Returns:
- str
path to the downloaded file in the temporary directory or the original string if it is not a URL
- swmmio.utils.functions.find_invalid_links(inp, node_ids=None, link_type='conduits', drop=False)[source]#
- swmmio.utils.functions.find_network_trace(model, start_node, end_node, include_nodes=None, include_links=None)[source]#
This function searches for a path between two nodes. In addition, since SWMM allows multiple links (edges) between nodes, the user can specify a list of both nodes, and links to include in the path. It will return a single path selection.
- Parameters:
model – swmmio.Model object
start_node – string of Node Name
end_node – string of Node Name
include_nodes – list of node name strings
include_links – list of link name strings
- Returns:
Network Path Trace Tuple
- swmmio.utils.functions.format_inp_section_header(string)[source]#
Ensure a string is in the inp section header format: [UPPERCASE], except in the case of the [Polygons] section with is capitalized case :param string: :return: string
- swmmio.utils.functions.merge_dicts(*dict_args)[source]#
Given any number of dicts, shallow copy and merge into a new dict, precedence goes to key value pairs in latter dicts.
- swmmio.utils.functions.model_to_networkx(model, drop_cycles=True)[source]#
Networkx MultiDiGraph representation of the model
- swmmio.utils.functions.rotate_model(m, rads=0.5, origin=None)[source]#
Rotate a model’s coordinates by a specified angle around a given origin.
- Parameters:
- mswmmio.Model
The model whose coordinates are to be rotated.
- radsfloat, optional
The angle in radians by which to rotate the model. Default is 0.5 radians.
- origintuple of float, optional
The (x, y) coordinates of the point around which to rotate the model. If not provided, the origin defaults to (0, 0).
- Returns:
- swmmio.Model
The model with its coordinates rotated.
>>> from import MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY_B >>> import swmmio >>> mb = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY_B) >>> mc = rotate_model(mb, rads=0.75, origin=(2748515.571, 1117763.466)) >>> mc.inp.coordinates
- swmmio.utils.functions.summarize_model(model) dict [source]#
Summarize a SWMM model by calculating various statistics and counts of elements.
- Parameters:
- modelswmmio.core.Model
An instance of a SWMM model containing input data (inp) and nodes.
- Returns:
- dict
A dictionary containing the summary of the model with the following keys:
‘num_subcatchments’: int, number of subcatchments in the model.
‘num_conduits’: int, number of conduits in the model.
‘num_junctions’: int, number of junctions in the model.
‘num_outfalls’: int, number of outfalls in the model.
‘num_raingages’: int, number of raingages in the model.
‘catchment_area’: float, total area of subcatchments (if subcatchments exist).
‘mean_subcatchment_slope’: float, mean slope of subcatchments weighted by area (if subcatchments exist).
‘total_conduit_length’: float, total length of conduits (if conduits exist).
‘invert_range’: float, range of invert elevations of nodes (if nodes exist).