Getting Started#

To get started with swmmio, you’ll need a EPA SWMM input file (.inp). We’ll use an example model provided within swmmio and see what it looks like to get a Model.links DataFrame,

import swmmio

# instantiate a model object
model = swmmio.Model(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_PATH)

# get the data related to links
InletNode OutletNode Length Roughness InOffset OutOffset InitFlow ... Shape Geom1 Geom2 Geom3 Geom4 Barrels coords
C1:C2 J1 J2 244.63 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... CIRCULAR 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 [(0.0, 0.0), (238.75, -53.332)]
C3 J3 J4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... RECT_OPEN 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 NaN [(459.058, -113.145), (671.391, -163.985)]
C2 J2 J3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [(238.75, -53.332), (459.058, -113.145)]

3 rows × 26 columns

Edit Model Parameters#

Now let’s use the lower-level Model.inp API to access and modify the sections of the model. We’ll change the outfall type to FIXED and set a stage elevation.


The Model.inp API has coverage for almost all sections of the INP file. If you find that a section isn’t covered that you need, raise an issue here!

# here is the exsiting outfalls DataFrame
InvertElev OutfallType StageOrTimeseries
# modify the outfall DataFrame
model.inp.outfalls.loc['J4', 'OutfallType'] = 'FIXED'
model.inp.outfalls.loc['J4', 'StageOrTimeseries'] = 3.0

InvertElev OutfallType StageOrTimeseries
J4 0 FIXED 3.0

We can then save our updated model to a new .inp file, then instantiate a new Model object.'new_model.inp')

# instantiate a new Model object with the modified inp file
new_model = swmmio.Model('new_model.inp')

# see the changes in the higher-level nodes DataFrame
new_model.nodes.dataframe[['InvertElev','OutfallType', 'StageOrTimeseries']]
InvertElev OutfallType StageOrTimeseries
J1 20.728 NaN NaN
J3 6.547 NaN NaN
J4 0.000 FIXED 3.0
J2 13.392 NaN NaN

Building Variations of Models#

Starting with a base SWMM model, other models can be created by inserting altered data into a new inp file. Useful for sensitivity analysis or varying boundary conditions, models can be created using a fairly simple loop.

For example, climate change impacts can be investigated by creating a set of models with varying outfall Fixed Stage elevations:

import os

# path to a SWMM model from swmm-nrtestsuite
model_path = ''

# initialize a model object
model = swmmio.Model(model_path)

sea_level_rise = 0.0 # set the starting sea level rise condition
rise_increment = 0.25 # set the increment of sea level rise for each iteration

# set the outfall type and initial outfall stage elevation
model.inp.outfalls.loc[:, 'OutfallType'] = 'FIXED'
model.inp.outfalls.loc[:, 'StageOrTimeseries'] = 576

# create models up to 5ft of sea level rise.
while sea_level_rise < 5:

    # create a dataframe of the model's outfalls
    outfalls = model.inp.outfalls
    # add the current rise to the outfalls' stage elevation
    outfalls.loc[:, 'StageOrTimeseries'] = outfalls.loc[:, 'StageOrTimeseries'] + rise_increment
    model.inp.outfalls = outfalls
    # create the filename for the new model
    newfilepath = os.path.join(model.inp.dir, f'{}_{sea_level_rise}_SLR.inp')
    # Overwrite the OUTFALLS section of the new model with the adjusted data

    # increase sea level rise for the next loop
    sea_level_rise += rise_increment

# check the outfalls of the last sea level rise 
# scenario that includes 5 feet of sea level rise
model_slr_5 = swmmio.Model(newfilepath)
InvertElev OutfallType StageOrTimeseries
KRO2005 574.32 FIXED 581.0
PSO 548.36 FIXED 581.0

Access Model Network as Graph#

The Model class returns a Networkx MultiDiGraph representation of the model via that parameter:

# access the model as a Networkx MutliDiGraph
model = Model(model_path)
G =

# iterate through links
for u, v, key, data in, keys=True):
    # do stuff with the network
    print(u, v, key, data)
KRO3001 SU1 KRO3001-KRO3002 {'Length': 176.7171053, 'Roughness': 0.013, 'InOffset': 0.0, 'OutOffset': 5.0, 'InitFlow': 0.0, 'PumpCurve': nan, 'InitStatus': nan, 'Shape': 'CIRCULAR', 'Geom1': 1.0, 'Geom2': 0.0, 'Geom3': 0.0, 'Geom4': 0.0, 'Barrels': 1.0, 'coords': [(np.float64(1362408.25), np.float64(431113.81)), (np.float64(1362652.04), np.float64(431078.91))], 'facilityid': 'KRO3001-KRO3002', 'geometry': {"coordinates": [[1362408.25, 431113.81], [1362652.04, 431078.91]], "type": "LineString"}}
# visualize the graph
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
# Draw the graph
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=30)

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2))
nx.draw(G, node_size=10, node_color='blue', with_labels=False)

For a more interesting example takes advantage of the graph-representation of a model, see Visualizing SWMM Models.

Running Models#

Using the command line tool, individual SWMM5 models can be run by invoking the swmmio module in your shell as such:

python -m swmmio --run path/to/mymodel.inp

If you have many models to run and would like to take advantage of your machine’s cores, you can start a pool of simulations with the --start_pool (or -sp) command. After pointing -sp to one or more directories, swmmio will search for SWMM .inp files and add all them to a multiprocessing pool. By default, -sp leaves 4 of your machine’s cores unused. This can be changed via the -cores_left argument.

# run all models in models in directories Model_Dir1 Model_Dir2
python -m swmmio -sp Model_Dir1 Model_Dir2  

# leave 1 core unused
python -m swmmio -sp Model_Dir1 Model_Dir2  -cores_left=1


Using all cores for simultaneous model runs can put your machine’s CPU usage at 100% for extended periods of time. This probably puts stress on your hardware. Use at your own risk.