
swmmio.version_control.version_control.create_combinations(baseline_dir, rsn_dir, combi_dir, version_id='', comments='')[source]#

Generate SWMM5 models of each logical combination of all implementation phases (IP) across all relief sewer networks (RSN).


Path to directory containing the baseline SWMM5 model.


Path to directory containing subdirectories for each RSN, which contain directories for each IP within the network.


Target directory in which child models will be created.

version_idstr, optional

Identifier for a given version (default is an empty string).

commentsstr, optional

Comments tracked within build instructions log for each model scenario (default is an empty string).


Calling create_combinations will update child models if parent models have

swmmio.version_control.version_control.propagate_changes_from_baseline(baseline_dir, alternatives_dir, combi_dir, version_id='', comments='')[source]#

if the baseline model has changes that need to be propagated to all models, iterate through each model and rebuild the INPs with the new baseline and existing build instructions. update the build instructions to reflect the revision date of the baseline.