- swmmio.version_control.utils.bi_is_current(build_instr_file)[source]#
check if a given build instruction file has any parent models whose date modified does not match the date modified of the parent INP file
- swmmio.version_control.utils.bi_latest_parent_date_modified(vc_dir, parentname)[source]#
given a path to a version control directory of build instructions and the name of the parent model, return the parent model’s revision date
- swmmio.version_control.utils.copy_rpts_hsf(from_dir: str, to_dir: str, search_dir: str)[source]#
Walk through a directory and find all .rpt and hot start (.hsf) files and copy them to another location based on the relative path from the to_dir.
- Parameters:
- from_dirstr
The source directory from which the relative path is derived.
- to_dirstr
The destination directory where the files will be copied.
- search_dirstr
The directory to search for .rpt and .hsf files.
This function is useful for copying model results written on a local drive to a network drive.
>>> to_directory = r'P:\02_Projects\SouthPhila\SE_SFR\MasterModels' >>> from_dir = r'F:\models\SPhila\MasterModels_170104' >>> search_dir = r'F:\models\SPhila\MasterModels_170104\Combinations' >>> copy_rpts_hsf(from_dir, to_dir, search_dir)
- swmmio.version_control.utils.modification_date(filename, string=True)[source]#
get modification datetime of a file credit: Christian Oudard ‘stackoverflow.com/questions/237079/how-to-get-file-creation-modification- date-times-in-python’
- swmmio.version_control.utils.newest_file(directory)[source]#
return the newest file (most recent) in a given directory. Beware that people report the min / max to do different things per OS…
- swmmio.version_control.utils.write_inp_section(file_object, allheaders, sectionheader, section_data, pad_top=True, na_fill='')[source]#
given an open file object, list of header sections, the current section header, and the section data in a Pandas Dataframe format, this function writes the data to the file object.