

check if a given build instruction file has any parent models whose date modified does not match the date modified of the parent INP file

swmmio.version_control.utils.bi_latest_parent_date_modified(vc_dir, parentname)[source]#

given a path to a version control directory of build instructions and the name of the parent model, return the parent model’s revision date

swmmio.version_control.utils.copy_rpts_hsf(from_dir: str, to_dir: str, search_dir: str)[source]#

Walk through a directory and find all .rpt and hot start (.hsf) files and copy them to another location based on the relative path from the to_dir.


The source directory from which the relative path is derived.


The destination directory where the files will be copied.


The directory to search for .rpt and .hsf files.


This function is useful for copying model results written on a local drive to a network drive.


>>> to_directory = r'P:\02_Projects\SouthPhila\SE_SFR\MasterModels'
>>> from_dir = r'F:\models\SPhila\MasterModels_170104'
>>> search_dir = r'F:\models\SPhila\MasterModels_170104\Combinations'
>>> copy_rpts_hsf(from_dir, to_dir, search_dir)
swmmio.version_control.utils.modification_date(filename, string=True)[source]#

get modification datetime of a file credit: Christian Oudard ‘stackoverflow.com/questions/237079/how-to-get-file-creation-modification- date-times-in-python’


return the newest file (most recent) in a given directory. Beware that people report the min / max to do different things per OS…

swmmio.version_control.utils.write_inp_section(file_object, allheaders, sectionheader, section_data, pad_top=True, na_fill='')[source]#

given an open file object, list of header sections, the current section header, and the section data in a Pandas Dataframe format, this function writes the data to the file object.

swmmio.version_control.utils.write_meta_data(file_object, metadicts)[source]#