Source code for swmmio.utils.text


import os
import re
from io import StringIO
from collections import OrderedDict, deque

from swmmio.utils.functions import format_inp_section_header
from swmmio.defs.sectionheaders import normalize_inp_config

[docs] def inline_comments_in_inp(filepath, overwrite=False): """ with an existing INP file, shift any comments that have been placed above the element (behavoir from saving in GUI) and place them to the right, inline with the element. To improve readability """ newfilename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] + '_unGUI.inp' newfilepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), newfilename) allheaders = get_inp_sections_details(filepath) with open(filepath) as oldf: with open(newfilepath, 'w') as new: # to hold list of comments (handles multiline comments) comment_concat = [] current_section = list(allheaders.keys())[0] for line in oldf: # determine what section we are in by noting when we pass double brackets if '[' and ']' in line: current_section = line.strip() if len(line.strip()) > 1: if line.strip()[0] == ';' and ''.join(line.strip()[:2]) != ';;': # this is a comment bc first char is ; and the # second char is not (which would resemble the header section) words = line.split() hdrs = allheaders[current_section]['columns'] perc_match_to_header = float(len([x for x in words if x in hdrs])) / float(len(hdrs)) if perc_match_to_header <= 0.75: comment_concat.append(line.strip()) else: # this row has data, tack any comment to the line end comment_string = '' if len(comment_concat) > 0: comment_string = r' '.join(comment_concat) newlinestring = line.strip() + comment_string + '\n' new.write(newlinestring) comment_concat = [] else: # write the short line new.write(line) # rename files and remove old if we should overwrite if overwrite: os.remove(filepath) os.rename(newfilepath, filepath)
[docs] def extract_section_of_file(file_path, start_strings, end_strings, comment=';', **kwargs): """ Extract a portion of a file found between one or more start strings and the first encountered end string. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the source file. start_strings : str or list of str String or list of strings from which to start extracting. end_strings : str or list of str String or list of strings at which to stop extracting. comment : str, optional Comment string used to ignore parts of the source file. Defaults to ';'. **kwargs Other keyword arguments. Returns ------- str String extracted from source file. Examples -------- >>> from import MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY >>> s = extract_section_of_file(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY, '[EVAPORATI', '[', comment=None) >>> print(s.strip()) [EVAPORATION] ;;Data Source Parameters ;;-------------- ---------------- CONSTANT 0.0 DRY_ONLY NO """ if isinstance(end_strings, str): end_strings = [end_strings] if isinstance(start_strings, str): start_strings = [start_strings] starts_ix = 0 starts_len = len(start_strings) start_found = False out_string = '' with open(file_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: # the current string we are searching for if starts_ix < starts_len: search_str = start_strings[starts_ix] if start_found and any(es.upper() in line.upper() for es in end_strings): # if we found the start and the line contains any of # the end strings, break out break elif not start_found and search_str.upper() in line.upper(): # increment the index of the start strings that have been found starts_ix += 1 if starts_ix == starts_len: # we found each of the start strings start_found = True if start_found: if comment is not None: # ignore anything after a comment if comment in line: s = line.split(comment)[0] + '\n' out_string += s else: out_string += line else: out_string += line return out_string
[docs] def get_rpt_value(file_path, value_type): """ scan rpt file and find the line starting with value_type and return the last numeric value """ with open(file_path,"r") as fi: for ln in fi: if ln.strip().startswith(value_type): #print(ln) return ln.split()[-1] return None
[docs] def get_rpt_metadata(file_path): """ Scan rpt file and extract meta data :param file_path: path to rpt file :return: dict of metadata """ with open(file_path) as f: for line in f: if "Starting Date" in line: simulation_start = line.split(".. ")[1].replace("\n", "") if "Ending Date" in line: simulation_end = line.split(".. ")[1].replace("\n", "") if "STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL - VERSION" in line: version ="\d+.\d+.\d+", line) if version is not None: version ='.') swmm_version = { 'major': int(version[0]), 'minor': int(version[1]), 'patch': int(version[2]) } if "Report Time Step ........." in line: time_step_min = int(line.split(":")[1].replace("\n", "")) break # grab the date of analysis from end of file with open(file_path) as f: - 500) # jump to 500 bytes before the end of file for line in f: if "Analysis begun on" in line: analysis_date = line.split("Analysis begun on: ")[1].replace("\n", "") meta_data = dict( swmm_version=swmm_version, simulation_start=simulation_start, simulation_end=simulation_end, time_step_min=time_step_min, analysis_date=analysis_date, ) return meta_data
[docs] def find_byte_range_of_section(path, start_string): ''' returns the start and end "byte" location of substrings in a text file ''' with open(path) as f: start = None end = None l = 0 # line bytes index for line in f: if start and line.strip() == "" and (l - start) > 100: # LOGIC: if start exists (was found) and the current line # length is 3 or less (length of /n ) and we're more than # 100 bytes from the start location then we are at the first # "blank" line after our start section (aka the end of the # section) end = l break if (start_string in line) and (not start): start = l # increment length (bytes?) of current position l += len(line) + len("\n") return [start, end]
[docs] def get_inp_sections_details(inp_path, include_brackets=False): """ Creates a dictionary with all the headers found in an INP file (which varies based on what the user has defined in a given model) and updates them based on the definitions in inp_header_dict to ensure the list is comprehensive. Parameters ---------- inp_path : str Path to the INP file. include_brackets : bool, optional Whether to parse sections including the brackets ([]). Default is False. Returns ------- OrderedDict An ordered dictionary with section headers as keys and their corresponding details. Examples -------- >>> from import MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY >>> headers = get_inp_sections_details(MODEL_FULL_FEATURES_XY) >>> [header for header, cols in headers.items()][:4] ['TITLE', 'OPTIONS', 'EVAPORATION', 'RAINGAGES'] >>> headers['SUBCATCHMENTS']['columns'] ['Name', 'Raingage', 'Outlet', 'Area', 'PercImperv', 'Width', 'PercSlope', 'CurbLength', 'SnowPack'] """ from swmmio.defs import INP_OBJECTS import pandas as pd found_sects = OrderedDict() with open(inp_path) as f: txt = section_dict = { key: txt.find("[{}]".format(key)) for key in INP_OBJECTS.keys() if txt.find("[{}]".format(key)) >= 0 } section_dict = sorted(section_dict, key=section_dict.get) bracketed_words = re.findall(r"\[([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\]", txt) for sect in bracketed_words: sect_id = f'[{sect.upper()}]' if include_brackets else sect.upper() if sect not in section_dict: found_sects[sect_id] = OrderedDict(columns=['blob']) else: found_sects[sect_id] = INP_OBJECTS[sect] # make necessary adjustments to columns that change based on options ops_cols = INP_OBJECTS['OPTIONS']['columns'] ops_string = extract_section_of_file(inp_path, '[OPTIONS]', INP_SECTION_TAGS, ) options = pd.read_csv(StringIO(ops_string), header=None, sep='\s+', skiprows=[0], index_col=0, names=ops_cols) if 'INFILTRATION' in found_sects: # select the correct infiltration column names # fall back to HORTON if invalid/unset infil type infil_type = options['Value'].get('INFILTRATION', None) if pd.isna(infil_type): infil_type = 'HORTON' infil_cols = INFILTRATION_COLS[infil_type.upper()] inf_id = 'INFILTRATION' if include_brackets: inf_id = '[{}]'.format('INFILTRATION') # overwrite the dynamic sections with proper header cols found_sects[inf_id]['columns'] = list(infil_cols) return found_sects
[docs] def get_rpt_sections_details(rpt_path: str): """ Extracts and returns the details of sections from a SWMM report file. Parameters ---------- rpt_path : str The file path to the SWMM report file. Returns ------- OrderedDict An ordered dictionary where the keys are section headers found in the report file and the values are the corresponding details as defined in the RPT_OBJECTS. """ from swmmio.defs import RPT_OBJECTS found_sects = OrderedDict() rpt_headers = RPT_OBJECTS.copy() # get rpt file metadata meta_data = get_rpt_metadata(rpt_path) swmm_version = meta_data['swmm_version'] # make necessary adjustments to columns that change based on swmm version for version in SWMM5_VERSION: version_value = float(version) rpt_version = float(f"{swmm_version['minor']}.{swmm_version['patch']}") if rpt_version >= version_value: update_rpt = normalize_inp_config(SWMM5_VERSION[version]['rpt_sections']) rpt_headers.update(update_rpt) with open(rpt_path) as f: buff3line = deque() for line in f: # maintains a 3 line buffer and looks for instances where # a top and bottom line have '*****' and records the middle line # typical of section headers in RPT files buff3line.append(line) if len(buff3line) > 3: buff3line.popleft() # search for section header between two rows of *'s if ('***********' in buff3line[0] and '***********' in buff3line[2] and len(buff3line[1].strip()) > 0): header = buff3line[1].strip() if header in rpt_headers: found_sects[header] = rpt_headers[header] else: # unrecognized section found_sects[header] = OrderedDict(columns=['blob']) return found_sects